Zooey Deschanel


(500) Days of Summer is a movie you need to watch. It shows real love and real break up....
                                                                                                                        What love makes you feel like... :D
Tom: What happens when you fall in love?
Summer: You believe in that?
Tom: It's love, it's not Santa Clause.
  Summer: We've been like Sid and Nancy for months now.
Tom: Summer, Sid stabbed Nancy, seven times with a kitchen knife, I mean we have some disagreements but I hardly think I'm Sid Vicious.
Summer: No I'm Sid.
                                                         Tom: Oh, so I'm Nancy...                                                                

Zooey in Real Life

I love Zooey Deschanel, I love the vintage clothes she wears, her haircut, a nd her personality!
I just went to a vintage store and bought $150 worth of vintage clothes that were soo cute!
Zooey is a great actor, singer, and has an awesome fashion sense!

Zooey is in a band called She and Him with M. Ward, her voice is different and mellow.

"I love old music, old movies, screwball comedies, vintage clothes and basically I`m an old-fashioned gal." - Zooey Deschanel
I don`t want to be a babe. I don`t want vanity to ever get in the way, because I think to maintain that, you have to be aware of yourself all the time, and that gets in the way of acting. My job`s not to be the beautiful person. My job is to be the best actor I can be. - Zooey Deschanel
Check out Zooey (She) and M. Ward's (Him) albums!
"It`s an addiction. I love clothes. I like to go down Melrose and look in all the windows and I go to different flea markets. I have lots of costumes. You never know when you`re going to have to dress up like a milkmaid from the 1600s." - Zooey Deschanel